

  • After the renewal of the national platforms, WACSOF is pleased to present its new board of directors (executive committee), elected at the general assembly of June 30th , 2022, held in hybrid in COTONOU, BENIN. this team is made up of men and women, recognized for their experience, their sense of duty and their moral values. it has been noted the expiry of the mandate of the former executive committee, elected in august 2016 for a 2-year mandate, renewable only once according to the charter of WACSOF
  • the 7th edition of the general assembly (peoples’ forum) of WACSOF the  official participation of MR. NANA KYERETWIE OSEI head of programs of ECOSOCC – AFRICAN UNION AND MRS. AHAMIDÉ ARLETTE, representative of the ECOWAS national office in BENIN. also participated in the GA, CSO leaders, coordinators of national platforms and accredited personalities from ECOWAS countries.
  • The new board is a balanced team made up of men and women, recongnized for their experience, their commitment, their professionalism, their sense of duty and their ethical and moral values

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