On the 3rd of may 2018, the executive committee of WACSOF met in Abuja, NIGERIA with the support of plan international. Decisions were made on the necessity of restructuring the organisation to better fit it purposes. This was the first meeting of the executive committee since its inception in 2016 and the first since the new general secretary took office.
The presence included people from the executive committee and some national platform coordinators.
From the executive committee, there was Khady fall tall (Senegal); Urbain Yameogo (Burkina Faso) Korotoumou Traore (Mali), Dansa Kourouma (Guinee), Mr Sale Abdulahie (Nigeria, representing Mrs Margaret Udoh)
From the National platforms, we had: Mannis Barclay (Liberia), Abanka Joseph (Nigeria), Drissa Soulemana (Cote D’Ivoire), Robana (Guine Bissau), Guy (Benin representing the Benin coordinator)
PLAN INTERNATIONAL was represented by MRS AIDA GUEYE (Senegal) and a consultant hired by PLAN INTERNATIONAL, MR AHMED SADJI (Senegal)
The consultant presented a diagnostic form his study and made some recommendations.
It was decided
- To implement the decision of reviewing the charter of WACSOF as recommended during the People’s forum of 16th August, 2016
- To modernise WACSOF as per many previous reports on WACSOF assessments
A brief financial report was presented showing the challenges of WACSOF mobilizing resources following the people’s Forum of 2016
It was decided that the general secretary to handle the implementation of theses decisions
The meeting closed by thanking the participants for their time.