WACSOF participated to the second Global Refugee Forum (GRF), which will took place in Geneva, Switzerland from 13 to 15 December 2023. This landmark event was be co-hosted by UNHCR and the Swiss Confederation and co-convened with the Heads of State or Government of Colombia, France, Japan, Jordan, the Niger and Uganda.


The Global Refugee Forum, which takes place every four years at the ministerial level and above, provides a unique platform for governments and other stakeholders to strengthen responses to refugee situations by making pledges in support of the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees. The objectives are to: ease the pressure on countries hosting large numbers of refugees, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to third country solutions, and support the conditions in countries of origin for return, in safety and in dignity.


The event offered an opportunity for all stakeholders to report on the pledges and initiatives announced at the first Forum held in 2019 and to announce new ones. New pledges took the form of financial, material and technical assistance; resettlement places and complementary pathways for admission to third countries; and policies and actions to be implemented at the national level to improve the lives of refugees and their host communities, and to pave the way for solutions. The Forum also provide space for participants to learn from the experiences of others and exchange good practices, including at the local, regional and global levels.


The Global Compact on Refugees embodies the political will and commitment of the international community to enhance international solidarity and cooperation for the benefit of refugees and host communities alike. With global forced displacement reaching record levels, ensuring the Compact’s implementation is imperative, and the Global Refugee Forum provides a catalyst for change in how we address this growing phenomenon.



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