ABUJA SEPTEMBER 26TH 2023: It has been brought to the attention of WACSOF that certain ill-intentioned individuals are sending and publishing messages referring to a supposed new secretary general at WACSOF from a so-called executive committee that does not even exist more.

The WEST AFRICA CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM (WACSOF) wishes to bring to the attention of the public and members that these messages come from individuals who, in disregard of legality and legitimacy, have voluntarily taken the side to destabilize WACSOF for personal interests. This is a group of individuals who deceive the public, notably Ms. MARGARET UDOH who wants to employ her son at WACSOF and who uses xenophobic practices in Nigeria to intimidate and threaten with death the legitimate representatives of WACSOF. She is helped in this task, among others by Mr. DIONISIO PEREIRA, member of the defunct executive committee.

These individuals who claim to act on behalf of a defunct “executive committee” were elected in August 2016 for a mandate of two (02) years, renewable once. Their mandate has ended since 2018, but they are striving to force a 2nd, 3rd and 4th mandate, by creating crises not to leave, thus wanting to take FOSCAO hostage, strangely in a period where Civil Society is fighting for a term limit for heads of state in Africa. In its quest to work with everyone, WACSOF has always favoured dialogue. It is important to remember that all attempts to discuss with these individuals, to find a peaceful solution to the crisis which safeguards the best interests of our organization, have ended in failure. Faced with such actions which seriously harm the interests and image of our organization, WACSOF calls on the public to be vigilant in relation to these FAKE NEWS and invites them, in the most solemn way, not to take these confusing messages into account and would like to remind you of the following points:

  1. In scrupulous compliance with its statutory and regulatory texts, after the renewal of all WACSOF national platforms in all countries, and following the General Assembly of June 30, 2022 in Benin, WACSOF now has a new legitimate and legal Board of Directors chaired by Mr. BUBA KHAN (Chair@Wacsof-Foscao.Org), solidly supported in the ECOWAS countries with competent coordinators and coordination teams. This new Board is a balanced team of men and women, recognized for their experience, commitment, professionalism, sense of duty and moral values.
    • BUBA KHAN, President, Consultant, Ex Coordinator, ACTIONAID advocacy, GAMBIA
    • MRS JOSEPHINE ALABI, 1st Vice-President, Activist, Peace & Security, KEEN & CARE INITIATIVE, NIGERIA
    • ANDRE AFANOU KANGNI, 2nd Vice-President, lawyer, & journalist, regional coordinator CCPR TOGO
    • DR PENDA MBOW, activist, Former minister. University professor, president, the citizen movement, SENEGAL
    • HUCO MONTEIRO, Secretary, Former ECOWAS Commissioner, GUINNEA BISSAU
    • JEDLEE KINNI, Treasurer, Coordinator Liberian African Youth Peer Review Committee, LIBERIA
  2. This board confirmed KOMLAN MESSIE, Eng., M.SC., MBA (km@Wacsof-Foscao.Org, +234 814 438 0226 (WhatsApp)), continuing his role as the REGIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF WACSOF. It is useful to remember that, socially involved, Mr. Komlan Messie is an Engineer (from the École Polytechnique de Thies), holds a Master’s degree (M. Sc) in Computer Science (from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada), MBA from HEC Montréal (Canada), and a PMP certification. After more than 20 years with distinctions in Canada developing businesses, getting involved socially and creating NGOs, he joined WACSOF with the mandate and ambition to restructure the ailing organization. With his team, he transformed WACSOF, bringing more opportunities and impactful projects for citizens.
    1. At a time when African youth are fighting for their liberation and to escape, among other things, constitutional manipulations for a 3rd mandate of heads of state in several countries, Civil Society must be exemplary in its governance from all points of view.
    2. WACSOF invites these ill-intentioned individuals and their acolytes to cease their harmful actions, in order to turn the page on this unfortunate crisis created and maintained to build instead of destroy, and to focus together on the issues of the day in our region and in Africa in a worrying global context.

    WACSOF would like to apologise to the public for the confusion created by some very ill-intentioned individuals. In view of the problems caused by these individuals, guided solely by crypto-personal interests, who are using xenophobic methods from another era, WACSOF would also like to reassure the public that it is working responsibly to overcome this deliberately created crisis and to reposition the organisation on the path mapped out for it by its governing bodies.

    Contacts: Mr BUBA KHAN, CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Chair@Wacsof-Foscao.Org)

                      Media@Wacsof-Foscao.Org / +234 810 287 0960 (WhatsApp) 


    With more than 1000 Member Organizations, the WEST AFRICAN CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM (WACSOF) is the umbrella network of the Civil Society in West Africa, covering 18 thematic areas, with representation in 15 countries of ECOWAS. WACSOF is the channel for institutionalized dialogue between civil society organizations and ECOWAS. WACSOF builds capacity, advocates, mobilizes civil society, engages in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies for a prosperous, stable and peaceful Africa. WACSOF is an excellent channel, a one-stop-shop for systematic engagement between institutions and civil society organizations, for impactful results. www.Wacsof-Foscao.Org


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